/ The Obsession of Seeing
/ 視覺講義
publisher : common master press, taiwan
authors : 陳吉寶 di-chun chen, 陳狐狸 whooli chen
art direction : 以後練習室 sometime-else practice
design : 以後練習室 sometime-else practice
featuring 24 young and talented artists all over the world, from pieces of artwork to detailed interviews, we’re trying to reveal the path of seeing through literature and intimate narratives, this is a book of images dedicated to the vague yet mysterious journey towards seeing.
contributors :
painting : Joey Leung / Marco Wagner / Sofia Arnold / Husmann Tschaeni /
Daniela Tieni / David Jien / Julie van Wezemael / Hsiao-Ron Cheng /
Alexandra Levasseur / Yosuke Yamaguchi / Fay Huo / Nick Lin
Daniela Tieni / David Jien / Julie van Wezemael / Hsiao-Ron Cheng /
Alexandra Levasseur / Yosuke Yamaguchi / Fay Huo / Nick Lin
photography : Lees More / Lukasz Wierzbowski / Jean-Michael Seminaro /
Elle Tice / Vendula Knopova / Zara Pfeifer / Aëla Labbé / Maurice van Es /
Li Hui / Maxim Mjödov / Rebecca Cairns / Taca Sui
Elle Tice / Vendula Knopova / Zara Pfeifer / Aëla Labbé / Maurice van Es /
Li Hui / Maxim Mjödov / Rebecca Cairns / Taca Sui
cover images :
Elle Tice / Alexandra Levasseur / Lukasz Wierzbowski / Yosuke Yamaguchi