/ Land & Flavours of Taiwan
/ 臺灣農植人咖啡系列
client : SATUR 薩圖爾精品咖啡, National Palace Museum 國立故宮博物院
art direction : 以後練習室 sometime-else practice
illustration: 陳狐狸 whooli chen
design : 陳吉寶 di-chun chen
臺灣農植人咖啡系列是SATUR薩圖爾精品咖啡和National Palace Museum國立故宮博物院合作的濾掛式咖啡系列,延續SATUR從「產地到杯中」的核心理念,此系列將臺灣土地滋養的花果作物融入精選單品咖啡,淬鍊韻味獨具的臺灣風味。
* 郎世寧(1688-1766)的《聚瑞圖》(1723)以雍正時期新製仿南宋官窯形制的仿汝釉青瓷弦紋瓶入畫,並於瓶中擺置祥瑞寓意的並蒂蓮、蓮蓬與穀粟,以頗具西洋靜物畫的光影筆觸摹寫中式傳統的瓶花圖。

Land & Flavours of Taiwan is a drip coffee collection, a crossover collaboration between SATUR and the National Palace Museum. We are commissioned to develop a series of packages, to represent four distinctive flavours and notable collections from the museum.
For the visual language of this collection, we're inspired by the composition of floral still life, a traditional Chinese art genre since the 13th century, aesthetics and philosophy, and wishes of life reflected through the arrangement of auspicious flowers, and amongst all, a painting 'Gathering of Auspicious Signs' by Giuseppe Castiglione* pave a path to the possibilities of reinterpretation.
Based on the centuries ago ceramics collection of the National Palace Museum, we tented to recreate a series of new images that resonated with traditional auspicious flower paintings, alongside the ancient pattern of painted enamels, whirling up the flavours of fruits and flowers of Taiwan.
For the visual language of this collection, we're inspired by the composition of floral still life, a traditional Chinese art genre since the 13th century, aesthetics and philosophy, and wishes of life reflected through the arrangement of auspicious flowers, and amongst all, a painting 'Gathering of Auspicious Signs' by Giuseppe Castiglione* pave a path to the possibilities of reinterpretation.
Based on the centuries ago ceramics collection of the National Palace Museum, we tented to recreate a series of new images that resonated with traditional auspicious flower paintings, alongside the ancient pattern of painted enamels, whirling up the flavours of fruits and flowers of Taiwan.
* Gathering of Auspicious Signs (1723) by Lang Shining (Giuseppe Castiglione, 1688-1766).